Mike, Pam, and Rikki are here today to help you “take care of business” on your next Walt Disney World vacation! We revisit a show we did about 8 years ago and discuss the best and worst restrooms around Walt Disney World. We also give an “SG rating” to many of these restrooms to quantify our findings! What do you think? Where are your best places to go? Where do you avoid? We hope you enjoy today’s podcast! Please visit our website at www.beourguestpodcast.com. Thank you so much for your support of our podcast! Become a Patron of the show at www.Patreon.com/BeOurGuestPodcast. Also, please follow the show on Twitter@BeOurGuestMike and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/beourguestpodcast. Thanks to our friends at The Magic For Less Travel for sponsoring today’s podcast!