It’s time to have some fun and play right along with Mike & Scott as we propose some tough Disney choices during today’s show! Would you rather explore the Disney Wish or explore Nassau while in port during the BOGP Podcast cruise? Would you rather get 2 paid runDisney registrations other than Marathon Weekend or “just” Marathon Weekend paid for? Would your rather have Memory Maker or Genie Plus included with your Annual Pass? Would you rather get 7 nights at Saratoga Springs or 3 nights at the Grand Californian? These and many other tough choices on today’s podcast! We hope you enjoy today’s show! Please visit our website at Thank you so much for your support of our podcast! Become a Patron of the show at Also, please follow the show on Twitter @BeOurGuestMike and on Facebook at Thanks to our friends at The Magic For Less Travel for sponsoring today’s podcast!