Happy Monday everyone!  We are excited to have Listener Ashley joining us today from San Francisco to talk about her recent 2-day trip to Disneyland wit her friend. We discuss staying across the street from Disneyland, touring both parks, first experiences with Galaxy’s Edge and Avengers Campus and more! Also, we dive into eating vegan at Disneyland!   We hope you enjoy today’s show!  Please visit our website at www.beourguestpodcast.com.  Thank you so much for your support of our podcast! Also, please follow the show on Twitter@BeOurGuestMike and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/beourguestpodcast.  Become a patron of the Be Our Guest Podcast over at www.patreon.com/BeOurGuestPodcast.  Thanks to our friends at The Magic For Less Travel for sponsoring today’s podcast!