Mike, Rikki, and Pam are here to answer your Listener Questions! Today’s topics include swimming at your resort pool on your check-out day, Disney After Hours events in the future, Festival of the Arts for little ones, best way to see IllumiNations one last time, and much more! We hope that you enjoy today’s podcast! Please send us your question to mike@beourguestpodcast.com. Please visit our website at www.beourguestpodcast.com. Thank you so much for your support of our podcast! Also, please follow the show on Twitter@BeOurGuestMike and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/beourguestpodcast. Check out Magical Mouse Radio for great Walt Disney World In-Park Audio & Music 24 Hours a day at www.magicalmouseradio.com. Thanks to our friends at VirtualMickey.com for sponsoring today’s podcast!