We are switching things up a bit with a trip report here on a Friday and then on Monday, Pam and Rikki join me for our Halloween special! Today we head to New York City to speak with Listener Brett about his recent trip to Disney’s Boardwalk Villas where he stayed with his family in a 2-Bedroom villa! We discuss why he loves this resort as well as how the accommodations worked for them. Also, we discuss fun times in all four theme parks, especially a love for Galaxy’s Edge, and then also talk about dining and Brett’s fascination with vintage Disney t-shirts! We hope you enjoy today’s podcast!  Please visit our website at www.beourguestpodcast.com.  Thank you so much for your support of our podcast! Become a Patron of the show at www.Patreon.com/BeOurGuestPodcast.  Also, please follow the show on Twitter @BeOurGuestMike and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/beourguestpodcast.   Thanks to our friends at The Magic For Less Travel for sponsoring today’s podcast!